Tag Archives: Christianity



I started running last year to lose weight because I came back just a liiiitle bit heavier from my Thailand mission trip lol. My friend Xitha challenged me to do the Old Mutual Two Oceans Half marathon. It was such a strenuous but fun battle to get fit and trained up for the race. I developed a serious love for running in this time and even started a mini running club #teamhope21. I tried to infect everyone with this bug and some of them caught on, even my parents. I simply just love it ❤

Last month my friend Monique, her brother Christian, my mom and I did the Sanlam Cape Town 10km. All 4 of us were stoked by our finishing times and the way we ran, so much so that we were managed to be convinced to do the half marathon for the KFM Gun Run in TWO WEEKS. Lol, it’s like we were on a running high and you could have convinced us to run up the Drakensberg or something crazy like that. For usual 10km runners, to do a 21.1km race with two weeks training, it was basically the same as running up the Drakensberg mountains anyway.

So I had two weeks to get ready but I only managed to get about 3 days of training in as I had hectic deadlines at work and worked really late, so by the time I got home, it was too dark to train (and it was my birthday 🙂 ). So needless to say, I was completely unprepared for what I had to face yesterday. .

My strategy:

  1. Run 10 km flat (I can do that; I’m a 10km runner)
  2. Push for an extra 5 (I’ve done that before)
  3. After 15, I can walk run walk run (that’s ok, I’d have done super by now)
  4. Let my head do the running and not allow my legs to overpower what I    mentally know I can do (running is anyway about 80% mental strength
  5. Run with and for God and with a purpose (to show that I can do all things through Christ)GunRun2015

It was going to be ok…so at 6h30 AM, I set off. Check this fresh excited face lol

(That’s Christian in front of me)

I ran 16km flat_ 10 was normal, the next 5km was prayer and mental convincing that I can do this and I WILL NOT walk yet! After 16km, my legs had enough, I started walking and I couldn’t start running again. I ran walk ran walk but it was as though my legs had turned into bricks. I felt like I was dying the rest of the way lol (OK, I’m exaggerating, but maybe I’m not). The next 5km was a serious mental, emotional and spiritual battle! I started hating everything. I hated Monique for convincing me to do this race, and then I started hating myself for allowing her to convince me lol. That didn’t last long but I needed to hate someone lol. I then started hating my legs, the air, even the poor marshals who kept telling me I’m nearly there. (Yeah right! I’ve been almost there since 3km hey -_- ).

I really wanted to cry around 18km. I thought I wasn’t going to finish. I had a lump in my throat. My legs didn’t want to carry me anymore and I just wanted to run to the car, it was probably closer than the stupid finish line anyway! But I couldn’t give up; I came to run with a purpose! I can do all thing right???? God’s Word says that. So I told myself that that’s enough cry baby stuff! (I couldn’t cry anyway, there were people around with cameras). I asked God to carry me to the finish line, to run with me and push me. I started singing through You, I can do anything _ in my head obviously coz I didn’t even have energy to open my mouth. This was around 18/19km; I was like an old car trying to be jump started again. I’d kick off and after 200m, I’d slow into a walk again. Then I’d need a kick start and the same would happen, about 3, maybe 7 times lol. At 20km my engine was up and running again…God was in this. I honestly felt like I was being carried all the way to the finish line (toe begin ek amper weer huil lol).

God is sooo good, even for races. He is so beautiful in every way and He just wants the best for His people. God wasn’t just in that race from 19km but from the moment that gun went off. I knew from the start why I was doing this and even though I struggled to get to the end, I got there, but not without God. And that’s life hey, we can’t have summer without winter first. We have to run this race and trust in God to get us to the end, we just gotta keep moving our legs, let Him use them for His glory. Matthew 5v16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Through this race, through my life, I want neither glory nor credit, I want all that I do to be a reflection of His great works. Of what He has done in my life and can do in yours too. I’m not saying go and run a half marathon without training (lol, no that was just risky), but I am saying trust God, because He can and He will. And when He does, let’s pray others don’t see you, but they see Him.

This is me finishing the Gun Run 2015 half marathon yesterday morning, look at this picture and don’t see me, but see how God carried me to the end. Coz it was seriously only by His grace…

Finish line

It’s going to be tough…but it’s going to get done if you have God with you. Luke 1v37 “For with God nothing is impossible” … go run that race.

Thanks for reading, chat soon ^^,



I might not update my blog very often, but believe it or not, I like to journal. Especially in my quiet time, I like taking out my note book and writing down all that’s going on in my head and especially my prayers. I’ve been doing this since my third year. It’s so amazing to go back and read about what I’ve been through and how God has got me through it all. Journaling is a powerful and wonderful way to track your testimonies. My entries are in fact letters to God and quite intimate. But tonight, I’d like to share one such entry, one testimony with all of you…

Jodeé & Laeeka @OperationHope2014

27 September 2014, Saturday

On Wednesday, our church Good Hope Christian Centre had an amazing outreach. We were stationed at the Strandfontein church where the community had access to free medical care. There were doctors and other medical staff who came out for the day to give of their time and skills to these people of Cape Town, who desperately needed some medical attention. I volunteered at the kids’ area of course. I met so many wonderful children of God, and I loved every one of them. I had a special time with one such girl…Laeeka, pictured here above with me. She was ABSOLUTELY awful to me at first. I was a balloon fairy and made all (or as much as I knew and as much as my fingers could keep up) kinds of balloon animals. Laeeka was terribly rude and irritating when I first approached her. She made fun of all my balloons and was just plain rude. All the other kids were so nice to me, except her. It’s as if she wanted to hurt me before I could hurt her. Amazingly as the day went on, she grew on me. God allowed the two of us to share a special bond and get close in such a short time. I know this was of God because I tried to avoid her and give her no attention in case she makes my mood foul again and spoil it for the other kids. Yet at the end of the day, I found myself look for her.

I think it was maybe an hour before she left, she was lying on the ground, throwing a little fit because I didn’t want to pick her up, I was just staring at her and I literally started tearing up for the love I had for her. For this girl I hardly knew, a girl I knew needed love, to see that she can be loved and is loved. At the same time, my heart broke because I knew that it won’t be long before her mother gets her and I won’t see her again. All I know about her is that she’s half Christian and half Muslim; her age, grade and school.She’s got such a strong personality and can defend herself. And she’s funny and not afraid of anything or anyone.

[I pray that God blesses her with good people in her life. That He opens her eyes to the love He has for her. That her future is brighter than the sun. I pray that the love I have for her was visible to her, that she would know that I love her and that God loves her.]

I cried all the way home. I realized that I will struggle being a “jumping/moving” missionary. My heart will break everytime that I need to leave people that I’ve just learnt to love. I pray that God sets my feet at one place. To build relationships with peole that need to see Jesus. That need love. I will need loads of strength, a God-load of strength if God sends me on the boat- I know He’ll provide.

On Thursday, our church will once again be blessing people of Cape Town with free medical care at our Operation Hope project. I will again be volunteering as a balloon fairy at the kids’ section. I will again be surrounded by kids that are both lovely and awful. I might even meet Laeeka again or meet someone else as lovable as she. But whoever I meet, I pray that on Thursday, God will use me as His vessel. Even if I just walk away having touched just one kid’s life, having showed them that they can and will be loved with the love of God_ that would be enough.

Mark 9v37 says: “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcome Me welcomes not only Me but also My Father who sent Me”.

Please pray for me and the rest of the Operation Hope volunteers…

If Laeeka comes back to say hello, that would be great to_ thank You Jesus. 🙂

Chat soon 😉 ❤️

My face is a canvas

My face is a canvas

He did it before_ He will do it again


As I was preparing to go to Thailand, I’ll admit, I had done some very bad planning and thus ending up with very limited funds. I was two weeks away from getting on the plane, and leaving my family for two months. By this time I was able to save up enough to purchase my airplane ticket and my daddy had offered to pay for my travel insurance. So all I had left was about R200 for a two month trip to a country thousands of kilometers away from my comfortable home. Strangely enough I felt ridiculously calm.

I would describe myself as a “Martha” from the Bible_ quite the control freak, well not pedantically so, but I love having my ducks in a row, I make lists for everything and even when I say I’m having a ‘hippy-kinda’ day I somewhat have a plan in place. So for me to be chilled about only having a R200 for a two month trip was a little super crazy_ well for any one actually lol.

We were planning on selling my car around this time though and I was sure my parents would send some of the funds my way. On the Tuesday of that week, I was on my way home with this very car from the mechanic and enroute I watched as the heat gage went from normal to super- hot in a matter of seconds. And as the gage went up so did my anger. I WAS FURIOUS! I just got back from the mechanic! Was he not supposed to fix it and God? Was this not supposed to be my way of not worrying about money??? I could have screamed!!! When I got back home, I needed to vent and calm down, so I prayed, wrote and read my bible. By the time I opened my bible I was crying like a baby coz this is not supposed to happen this way. I opened up my bible to a random verse and my eyes flew on Jeremiah 31v16 & 17: “Thus says the Lord: `Refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears; For your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord. And they shall come back from the land of the enemy. There is hope in your future says the Lord, That your children shall come back to their own border`”. WOW!! Thank You Jesus. I immediately calmed down. It was going to be ok.

That very night I had a dream: I was packing up chairs with my youth leader and friend, Gillian, who at that time I didn’t know quite well never mind friends, and I was afraid to ask her about the money she had promised to give me(in the dream still). She was meant to give me something like 17586. She said she’s sorting it out but I shouldn’t worry about it and start getting excited because the money is already mine. I woke up with such a fresh faith! I didn’t even care about the numbers; all that I remembered was “Start getting excited and stop worrying, the money is yours”.

That Saturday I went to a woman’s prayer meeting and shared my story and this dream with the ladies. All of these ladies generously sowed into my life and the mission. One lady told me she doesn’t have anything on her at that moment, but she’ll come around to my house the next day. The next day, this woman who I hardly knew, the night before was only the 2nd time I’ve seen her, this lady presented me with an envelope with R7000 in it!! WOW!! Thank You Jesus. I cried so much as I counted. God is so good.

I gave my tithes and paid my daddy back for the travel insurance that he helped out with and when you added all the money that everyone sowed into my life plus my R200 lol and you convert it to Thai Baht, it works out to 17568 Thai Baht! WOW! Thank You Jesus. Can you believe it??

As you know, I’m about to embark on another mission trip and that means I would need funds. My church is not a missionary sending church so I’ll have to go to individuals. I am not very confident and bold when it comes to asking people for money and sponsorships. So I’m praying a lot about that and reminding myself that it’s not for me, but for the growth of God’s Kingdom. Just today, I was emailing my pastor in Thailand and I asked what advice he had for me. And one point he gave me was that to make sure that I have enough funds. Right there, I just went back into a ball knowing that I need to step up_ but not as bad as I used to. I have a child like faith about this_ knowing that my God will supply all my needs according to His riches. And just now, as I was having quiet time, He reminded me again in Matthew 16v8-10: “But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them “O you of little faith, why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread? Do you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up? Or the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large baskets you took up?” – I know that Jesus was speaking to the disciples about the doctrines of the Pharisees and the Sadducees but also He was reminding them of His past miracles.

In the same way that He is now reminding me of His past miracle of provision for me. And it wasn’t just that R7000 once off, during my time in Thailand I would constantly get money in my account unaccounted for, I would get free meals and transport paid for. Once I took a taxi from one part of Bangkok to the other and the driver told me its ok, I don’t need to pay him. God is the God of the impossible. Where He leads, He feeds. So I’m putting on my child like faith knowing that my daddy has got me sorted. I won’t be silly and just wait for something to fall into my lap, I will listen and move as God directs. And I will not worry one bit. In the words of two of my favorite characters Timon and Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata_ No worries. **God’s got this 🙂 . Thank You Jesus!!

Hakuna Matata, it means no worries. Image sourced from Pinterest

I love you, chat soon ^^,

I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH…yet not enough


I have more than enough, yet not enough. This evening, we experienced load shedding for two hours at my house_ for those who are from outa town, load shedding is when our country’s electricity service provider cuts our electricity for two hours a day. Our time slot fell between the hours of 6pm and 8pm today. But it was ok. My mother made the most magnificent fire and all 4 of us sat by it with the radio on. Supper was already done and even though it was freezing outside, with the fire place crackling, we really just wanted cold drink or water. I was at peace. My family was together and we had more than enough.


I have more than enough

I have more than enough


Not long after the power came back on, did I hear the call of a young girl at our front door. I really didn’t want to go, partly out of laziness and also out of fear. It was so dark outside_ who in their right mind comes looking for food in this black of night. I looked at my daddy with a look of “should I go?” and he just shook his head. Then I looked outside and back at him and he said “go Jodeé, if you feel in your heart that you need to go.” So I switched on ALL the lights lol, lest this young vagrant had a hidden agenda.

When I got to the door standing wrapped in a blanket was this young girl_ looked 16/17 at least, asking for 2 slices of bread. I could see that under the blanket she wasn’t much covered, so after making her the requested 2 slices, I went to my room and opened up my jam packed cupboard to fetch a jacket for her. Then I told myself that this is not enough and she needs pants as well and as I got the pants, I realized that I have two shirts that I’ve never worn and honestly do not plan on wearing. So I took one of them and gave it to her. As I presented her with the items, I told her to put the jacket on now_ only to realise that she had a baby on her back. This small girl, who I then learnt was 19 years old, had a 1 ½ year old baby on her back. She came out in the dark to look for food because like the rest of us there was no power at home, but unlike the rest of us, she had a granny at home who also just had a stroke and they didn’t even have a candle to light. I came back inside to get little Simphiwe socks and a teddy and I found a beanie as well. As I scrambled in the drawer for a candle_ I thought to myself, we have more than enough. I have more than enough. Yet, not enough

I walked away from her with tears in my eyes. Most mornings I unconsciously say out loud_ I have nothing to wear, when in fact I have about 20 or more items in this cupboard that I probably never wore before or maybe just once and I for sure know that I am not planning on wearing it again. I look in the kitchen and even though my mother bought all the items in it, I know that in a split second all these items can disappear and just as fast, they can be replaced.

I’m not trying to brag or boast that I helped Simphiwe and his mom out today. I’m trying to make a point, oh God, please help me. I have more than enough. Even if my cupboard had half the clothes, I have more than enough. I am blessed beyond measure. Put aside that I have material things and food to fill my belly. I have a full house and even beyond that I have extended family and friends who love and support me. I have God, who supplies all my needs according to His riches. And to add to that my God owns cattle on a thousand hills_ so really now, how rich is He lol. I’m sorted. You’re sorted. Yet, we still feel we don’t have enough.

We feel that if we give this jersey away, we’ll only have one other jersey for the rest of winter. We feel that if we give this pie away, we’ll have nothing to eat for lunch tomorrow. The scripture says “And the King will answer and say to them, `Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My Brethren, you did it to Me.’” – Matthew 25v 40 (NKJV). I don’t know if I’m being heard here. Blessed is he who gives.

Well, I’m not perfect; I needed to coax myself to get up from my warm cozy seat to make this young lady a slice of bread. But because I got up, it touched my heart, this woman touched my heart. I could go on forever. Lol. I probably could have done more for her. I don’t know what, but I know I could.

Right now I’m on a journey heading to my next chapter. I’m rounding off this one, so that I can enter the next. And in this rounding off, I’m expecting loads of lessons to be slammed at me. GIVE JODEÉ. That’s what God is telling me. Nothing I have is my own. It all belongs to God, and therefore to all His kids. So this really warm gown that I’m wearing right now is yours.

I’m still praying for God to reveal where I will do missions come next year. But wherever I go, I need to remember these lessons.

We always want to give just so that we can receive. Yes, we will receive, but let’s forget about that for now. And let’s give because it’s not ours, it His. Let’s give because we have more than enough. Let’s do. Let’s be.

I have more than enough, yet not enough, still- GIVE. 

Be ready_ be available

Be ready_ be available

For the past few weeks I have just been feeling utterly purposeless here at work, in fact, in my life in general. I can’t wait to move on and do what I know I am destined for. I am involved in various ministries at church, I always jump at any opportunity to do outreaches, but I still just felt blank. I don’t know if it was because of my own frustrations in my life of everything standing still, or if it’s because everything seems halfhearted because I spend SOO much time in the office and doing nothing to impact others’ lives.

Last night I was feeling so helpless, I just wanted to sleep and do nothing. I didn’t even go to Bible school. I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t even do that. Something was eating at me. I decided to write in my journal. Just to cry out to the Lord.

The Bible says in Philippians 4 v6&7 “6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

So I did that, I cried out to God, laying it all down on paper. He already knows what’s on my heart and what’s eating me; He knows more than I even know about myself. So I wrote down what I knew was eating at me _ this purposelessness. What point do I have here at PetroSA??!!! I don’t even know if people can see God’s light shine through me anymore?? Did they ever?? This morning I was reading my journal from when I was doing missions in Thailand. Among the entries was of when I had to do the interview for this very job. And I just smiled at how powerful God is. He really showed up in that time, I could see it and feel it and others could too. Such a powerful testimony! And in the entry, I prayed that if God wants me to get this job, may His light shine in the workplace, may He be exalted and not me. I was so ready to spread His love here at the office. Reading that, encouraged me to find that zeal again. So today as I walked in to the office, I prayed that God allow opportunities to talk to my colleagues about Him. And give me the boldness to follow through in the conversation. I was ready.

One of my colleagues, Sindiswa, is going through a particularly difficult time. Her contract is coming to an end here at PetroSA and because of the economic climate here, there is no chance for renewal or extension. She NEEDS to find another job_ she’s been looking. Going to countless unsuccessful interviews. Sometimes I don’t know what to say to her. But the other day I did. She had again just got news that a job she thought was hers came back as unsuccessful. And I told her that sometimes we go through things in our lives so that we are forced to completely rely on God and no one else. We are pushed to our limits, so that we know that God has none. We are to look to God, not our boyfriend, parents, friends or anyone else. Only the Lord. We go through tough times so that we can see that only God can get us out of that situation. I wasn’t sure if she understood what I meant_ I know I wouldn’t if the roles were reversed. When you’re at your worst, that’s NOT what you want to hear. This was last week I think.

A few minutes ago, she came to me to show me an daily devotional that was sent to her. It was titled: How God uses our stress for our good and His glory. I was stunned. Lol. God confirmed what I said in that daily devotional. I thought it was so wonderful.

We always think that we are too small and insignificant and we feel unworthy to receive anything from God. But God loves us. He loves us so much that He still takes time out to send us a word of encouragement. He uses everyday people like you and I to do His work, no matter where we are. He uses us even though we are not even aware of being used. And how wonderful is it to be used by Him. Lol. By this glorious King. He is so mighty, yet He cares so much that He doesn’t want us to feel terrible; He wants us to understand the situation we are in right now. To listen to Him.

Eish, I’m getting a series of revelations at once hahahaha. That’s ok. But I want to leave with you is this… be available. God is always using us. I mean, God used me to encourage Sindi. God used Sindi to open up a conversation about Him here at work. Now I have a fresh excitement of why I am here. His light still shines through me and others can see it. You might not realise it, but as you read and share His message, God is using you to spread His word. Be available, be ready. You are significant. Nothing can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus (Romans 8 v38&39). His love is constant, you are His child. So be ready to be used by your Daddy

“I’m convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus. being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1 v6

Listening to The Voice


“List the characteristics of a Project Manager”, this was where it all began. This was the question that led to a 180º turn around in everything that I know. June 2012, I sat in my exam room stuck on one of the easiest questions for the mid-year Project Management exam- something I know I studied. Come on_ it was a list question, I always study lists! I went blank. I sat for more than 5 minutes trying to recall this simple answer but to no success. I started praying…and all I heard was “a project manager must be a God-fearing man”. Clearly this was my own mind right?.. but the thought/voice insisted. I thought about writing it down, I mean I had nothing else to write. One of three things could happen:

  1. the lecturer would be never-minded and just give me zero for that question or;
  2. the lecturer will be terribly mad and think I’m taking him for a joke, call me in and give me a big fat F for the entire paper; or
  3. the lecturer himself is a God-fearing man and will give me the benefit of the doubt with ½ mark at least lol.

I took my chances.

I came back to my room and told my house – mates, Tobie and Monique what I just did. This led to a beautiful conversation well into the evening with just Monique and me discussing how we can recognize the Lord’s voice. I told her that for the longest time in my prayer time, I would hear missionary work –just that and nothing else – pop up into my head. To me it didn’t mean much but a constant voice/thought during prayer time, so I didn’t really pay much attention to it. In fact in this very conversation it was just something I mentioned and went on with something else I was talking about. After a while, it was Monique that brought it back and said that I should really consider praying about it and seeking why I constantly hear that, her reason: “I mean, I don’t hear it, so there should be a reason why you do”…

That’s how I found myself touching ground at Suvarnabhumi Airport on the evening of Sunday 5 May 2013, unaware of what battles I’ll encounter and victories the Lord will achieve for me. There’s no way of summarizing it (or at least I, “miss chatter box” don’t possess that skill yet lol), but to attempt to put it to you in one word – FAITH-SHAKING. (Ok, that was two words, forgive me). Never in my life would I believe that Jodeé Strydom would be half way across the world without a plan really. Without much of anything actually besides her suitcase full of clothes and excitement for whatever happens in the next two months.

Well 8 months later, I found myself in my Ladkrabang, Bangkok apartment overwhelmed with tears as my youth leader, P’Rung, sent me a video saying she’s a little too sick to come and see me off at the airport that night. As sad as I was, a part of me was 100% sure that I’m crying for nothing because I will see her again. It’s more than a year later and last week I almost started balling again when I messaged her “P’Rung, at the end of this year I will leave my job and become a missionary. Full time.”

And that’s where we are today. I have less than 11 months left to get my act together before I leave this world behind (that sounds like I’m going to die lol) but in a sense I will be dying. I have less than 11 months left before I die to myself and give my all to my Creator (Matthew 16V24). Be His vessel, led by His Spirit here on earth, listening to His voice. I’m going to need all of your help in preparation for this voyage. I don’t know where the Lord intends for me to settle down yet. I’m not sure about the finer details just yet, but as soon as I know_ you will too. For now all I know is that I have to pack up and go.

So today I’m asking you: Pray with me as I pray for clear direction in the months that lie ahead of me. Join me on this adventure as we follow the Lord where He leads us. You might not be going with me physically, but your prayers, thoughts and finances will be used to send this vessel to love those with the love of the Lord as He instructs us in Matthew 22V39. I’m asking you to please use this site to motivate and encourage not only me but others reading the blog, so please comment, send emails, anything. This journey isn’t going to be easy; I’m prepared for difficulties. You need to go through Winter to get to Spring time. I promise to be honest with you – tell you when its Winter, so that we can all experience the Spring time together.God has already prepared the victories(2 Chronicles 20V15), now it’s up to us, will we listen to His voice?

I’ll keep you updated on all my movements and more importantly, I’ll keep you updated on all His movements. Follow this site and together we’ll witness His plan unfold.

I love you. Chat soon ^^,