Tag Archives: poor

I HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH…yet not enough


I have more than enough, yet not enough. This evening, we experienced load shedding for two hours at my house_ for those who are from outa town, load shedding is when our country’s electricity service provider cuts our electricity for two hours a day. Our time slot fell between the hours of 6pm and 8pm today. But it was ok. My mother made the most magnificent fire and all 4 of us sat by it with the radio on. Supper was already done and even though it was freezing outside, with the fire place crackling, we really just wanted cold drink or water. I was at peace. My family was together and we had more than enough.


I have more than enough

I have more than enough


Not long after the power came back on, did I hear the call of a young girl at our front door. I really didn’t want to go, partly out of laziness and also out of fear. It was so dark outside_ who in their right mind comes looking for food in this black of night. I looked at my daddy with a look of “should I go?” and he just shook his head. Then I looked outside and back at him and he said “go Jodeé, if you feel in your heart that you need to go.” So I switched on ALL the lights lol, lest this young vagrant had a hidden agenda.

When I got to the door standing wrapped in a blanket was this young girl_ looked 16/17 at least, asking for 2 slices of bread. I could see that under the blanket she wasn’t much covered, so after making her the requested 2 slices, I went to my room and opened up my jam packed cupboard to fetch a jacket for her. Then I told myself that this is not enough and she needs pants as well and as I got the pants, I realized that I have two shirts that I’ve never worn and honestly do not plan on wearing. So I took one of them and gave it to her. As I presented her with the items, I told her to put the jacket on now_ only to realise that she had a baby on her back. This small girl, who I then learnt was 19 years old, had a 1 ½ year old baby on her back. She came out in the dark to look for food because like the rest of us there was no power at home, but unlike the rest of us, she had a granny at home who also just had a stroke and they didn’t even have a candle to light. I came back inside to get little Simphiwe socks and a teddy and I found a beanie as well. As I scrambled in the drawer for a candle_ I thought to myself, we have more than enough. I have more than enough. Yet, not enough

I walked away from her with tears in my eyes. Most mornings I unconsciously say out loud_ I have nothing to wear, when in fact I have about 20 or more items in this cupboard that I probably never wore before or maybe just once and I for sure know that I am not planning on wearing it again. I look in the kitchen and even though my mother bought all the items in it, I know that in a split second all these items can disappear and just as fast, they can be replaced.

I’m not trying to brag or boast that I helped Simphiwe and his mom out today. I’m trying to make a point, oh God, please help me. I have more than enough. Even if my cupboard had half the clothes, I have more than enough. I am blessed beyond measure. Put aside that I have material things and food to fill my belly. I have a full house and even beyond that I have extended family and friends who love and support me. I have God, who supplies all my needs according to His riches. And to add to that my God owns cattle on a thousand hills_ so really now, how rich is He lol. I’m sorted. You’re sorted. Yet, we still feel we don’t have enough.

We feel that if we give this jersey away, we’ll only have one other jersey for the rest of winter. We feel that if we give this pie away, we’ll have nothing to eat for lunch tomorrow. The scripture says “And the King will answer and say to them, `Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My Brethren, you did it to Me.’” – Matthew 25v 40 (NKJV). I don’t know if I’m being heard here. Blessed is he who gives.

Well, I’m not perfect; I needed to coax myself to get up from my warm cozy seat to make this young lady a slice of bread. But because I got up, it touched my heart, this woman touched my heart. I could go on forever. Lol. I probably could have done more for her. I don’t know what, but I know I could.

Right now I’m on a journey heading to my next chapter. I’m rounding off this one, so that I can enter the next. And in this rounding off, I’m expecting loads of lessons to be slammed at me. GIVE JODEÉ. That’s what God is telling me. Nothing I have is my own. It all belongs to God, and therefore to all His kids. So this really warm gown that I’m wearing right now is yours.

I’m still praying for God to reveal where I will do missions come next year. But wherever I go, I need to remember these lessons.

We always want to give just so that we can receive. Yes, we will receive, but let’s forget about that for now. And let’s give because it’s not ours, it His. Let’s give because we have more than enough. Let’s do. Let’s be.

I have more than enough, yet not enough, still- GIVE.